Get rid of those interior cams in your home and office!
In a previous post, we advised removing consumer surveillance cameras from the workplace interior and here’s a perfect example why:
A hacker group is reported to have shared 3TB (that’s Terabytes) of home surveillance videos from 50,000+ compromised cameras as a lifetime subscription for $250 USD [1]. The videos contain adults, minors, nudity, and pornography. The hacked cameras appear to be mostly in Thailand, South Korea, and Canada and a 700MB "sample", containing about 4,000 videos and pictures from the hacked footage, is provided free.
Most of the compromises can be attributed to poor password management (easy to guess and reused passwords). If you can’t live without the convenience and are still willing to risk your privacy, at the very least use unique and complex passwords to protect your cams.
[1] David Sun. “Singapore home cams hacked and stolen footage sold on pornographic sites” the newpaper,, 12 October 2020,